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At eleven he was the leader of a gang of child thieves in teeming fifteenth-century Naples. Tough and relentless and shrewd, he had the face of an angel and the morals of a tomcat. Wise beyond his years, and wholly without scruples, he had already set his goals--nothing short of the full trappings of a gentleman: wealth, a wife who could bring him social acceptance, leisure to pursue the arts. Nor did he care how he attained them. There were only two kinds of people--those at the top who could reach down to give him a hand up, and those at the bottom who were convenient stepping stones. Both kinds he understood perfectly. But neither understood him--until it was too late!"

There I was, bound hand and foot, bloodied and on my way to prison...

The road was now swarming with people relishing the free entertainment. For them it was carnival day and they made the best of it, shouting and jeering at us as if we were monkeys on a pole. Genoveffa lay facedown on the donkey with her behind turned up. She was an altogether different person from the fair, gray-eyed Florentine girl with whose wealthy family I had thought to be united.
Then I spotted Poultice Petrulla among the crowd. "Petrulla, you hag, you obscene crone!" I shouted, "You sold me! Damn your insides, you sold me! You filthy sow! Maggoty bag of indecency! May your bones rot before you die!"

Written by Don Tracy this is a historical novel of 15th century Naples, Italy. The story of an 11 year old boy from the slums and what all he did to achieve a life of luxury.

I would almost say that, as usual in books like this, the deus ex machina at the end of the story does come very conveniently out of the blue.
Quintin Chivas - dust cover Simon & Schuster/Trident Press edition, September 1961Quintin Chivas - cover pocket book edition, Pocket Book N° 6141, August 1962 (1st)
The East Hampton Star, East Hampton, N.Y. - What's New in N.Y.  by Dorothy Quick, December 28. 1961

"In the field of fiction, Quintin Chivas, a Trident Press Book from Simon and Schuster, which was pubished several months ago, is a novel of the 15th century, by Barnaby Ross. It is a realistically-written and most entertaining novel of the life Quintin Chivas.
The story begins when Quintin, not quite 12 years old, is a street urchin, leader of a boys' gang in the Naples slums. Through the years we go with him as he eventually achieves fortune and position.

Quintin Chivas Translations
none known 

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