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The banners waved; the crowd cheered; the reporters rushed towards the candidate as he made his way to the speaker's platform. And than a shot rang out, the candidate clutched at his chest, screamed and fell dead. It was a pretty kettle of fish for Tim Corrigan, the crime solver with the eye-patch and the stainless steel nervous system. The suspect included the candidate's voluptuous widow, his handsome bodyguard, and a breathtaking young thing with every reason to want the candidate dead. And pretty soon Corrigan himself was a candidate - for murder.

How Goes The Murder - cover pocket book edition, Popular Library N° 60-2168, 1967 (60 cents version)How Goes The Murder - cover pocket book edition, Popular Library N° 445-014336-075, 1967 (75 cents version, with different logo)How Goes The Murder? - cover audiobook Blackstone Audio, Inc., read by Robert Fass, March 1. 2015How Goes The Murder? - cover Road, September 22, 2015
Record Searchlight, Redding, California - "What's new in mysteries?" by Art Gatts, June 26.1971

Ellery Queen tells another tale about one-eyed private detective, Tim Corrigan. It involves a political campaign, a dead candidate, his voluptuous widow and a handsome bodyguard. I don't care as much for Corrigan as I do for super sleuth Queen, but he's still readable.
Ghost-written by Richard Deming.

The third consecutive title in the series that deals with death in a large New York hotel. Corrigan and his beefy buddy Baer happen to be in the building during a political rally when the liberal candidate for state senator is assassinated right after a confrontation with a fascist hate group. Investigation soon unearths other suspects including the conservative candidate for the same seat, his sex-bomb wife and her muscle-bound lover.

Nevins describes the situation is intriguing and the police work in the hotel sounds authentic but the story soon deteriorates into a standard pattern with a predictable least likely suspect at trail’s end. 

“You can’t quite say the book is bad,” wrote Anthony Boucher (April 9, 1967); “but it wholly lacks distinction in its flat writing, its simple plotting and its unsubtle politics.” Nevins adds this was the last EQ paperback Boucher ever mentioned in print, and he may never have known that the fifth and sixth titles in the Corrigan series were dramatic improvements on those he had reviewed.

Wie steht's mit Mord - cover German editionCome va il delitto? - cover Italian edition Il Giallo Mondadori Nr 1801, August 1983


How goes the murder Translations:  
German: Wie steht's mit Mord?
Italian: Come va il delitto?  

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