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"Come on, baby. This has to look real," Casey said. "Relax."
Immediately Sally's body went stiff. "Do I have to?"
"You've got to. Now loosen up, get into the spirit of the thing before-"
She slid her arms around his neck. Suddenly they were kissing wildly, clinging to each other as if it were a matter of life and death- because it was...

Joe Maddox was one of moviedom's most successful producers. But could he produce $ 200 000 in time to save his wife, his script-writer and his leading lady? They didn't know, all three were held at gunpoint in a deserted California beach house, but they'd find out, one way or another...

Shoot the Scene - cover pocket book edition, Dell N°7845, November 1966.Shoot The Scene - cover audiobook Blackstone Audio, Inc., read by Traber Burns, May 1. 2015Shoot The Scene - cover Road (September 22, 2015)
Ghostwritten by Richard Deming. According to Nevins has this story has no merit as a mystery but is unique among the ghosted Queen paperbacks in that half the time it doesn't pretend to be a mystery at all. Instead it's a dreary and labored comedy of sexual politics on a Hollywood movie set, featuring a harassed screenwriter who's frantically dodging the come-hithers of a tempestuous nymphomaniac star. The book's mediocre criminous half is sparked by the kidnapping of the director's wife and the murder of his double during the ransom process. It has uniformly flat characters and style and a blatantly obvious villain...

Moord en Scene - dutch coverDu Monde au Balcon - cover French edition Dell - Presses de la Cite (1967)Halten Sie 200 000 Dollar bereit - cover German edition Ullstein Krimi, 1971Colpo di manovella - cover Italian edition Il Giallo Mondadori N. 1010, Jun 9. 1968

Shoot the scene Translations:  
Dutch/Flemish: Moord en scene  
French: Du monde au balcon  
German: Halten Sie 200000 Dollar bereit  
Italian: Colpo di manovella  
Spanish: Escenas del crimen  

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