All Hollywood producer Ben Sloane had wanted was to find Sol Dahlman, the mysterious film genius who had made The Wild Nymph and now Sloane was dead. The governor told Mike McCall to, 'Go up to Rockview and get me the killer!' But it wasn't quite that easy. The Mann Photo Service, long rumored to be a center of the blue movie industry, was torn by a strike, and nobody was talking to strangers not Xavier Mann, not Major Jordan, not beautiful April Evans, who refused even to tell who she was or why she, too, was investigating the murder. Then, just to make the job a little harder, Cynthia Rhodes and her Fem Lib Raiders hit town and a man named Carry Tanner decided McCall had lived too long. |
After Manny’s death Fred took over exclusive control of the
Ellery Queen property. One of his first acts in that
capacity was to terminate the ghosted paperbacks which he believed had
debased the value of the identity he and Manny had created as young men. One
more Troubleshooter novel, however, was still due under the contract with
Lancer, and it was Fred’s obligation to deliver it.
All of the
previously ghostwritten books were edited and supervised by Lee, except for
this one.
Ed attested to this fact "I remember that I spent an entire summer's
afternoon there, going over the manuscript page by page. For me , it was a
lesson in editing from a master. He preferred fewer commas than I usually
used, and fewer words. He found a phrase like, 'He shrugged his shoulders,"
to be redundant. "You can't shrug anything but your shoulders", he told me,
and of course he was right. To this day I remember that, every time I see
the phrase in someone else's book. There were red editing marks on virtually
every page of the manuscript..." (Old-Time Detection Issue
16, Autumn 2007) The liberal speechifying in earlier McCall adventures is replaced this time with plot complications, and although a few peripheral matters don’t ring true, Hoch’s involuted, fairly and subtly clued, legitimately surprising story brings the long line of EQ paperbacks to a noble conclusion. (Nevins) |
I'd like to remark that the Taiwanese edition from the section below (see cover detail above) has the name of Edward Hoch next to Ellery Queen. A first to my knowledge. |
Other articles on this book (1) Tipping My Fedora Cavershamragu August 30. 2013 (2) Noirish Realthog March 17. 2019 |
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