![]() Het Eenzame Landhuis "The Lonely Country House" (The Netherlands, V.A.R.A.; Hilversum) 1939-1940 9:01-9:20 A dark history in 11 (!) episodes by Ellery Queen adapted by A.D. Hildebrand director: S. de Vries Jr. based on Halfway House (1936) players: Huib Orizand (Ellery), (1-11) Johan Fiolet (Bill Angell, lawyer), (1-11) Rolien Numan (Ella Amity, journalist), (1,2,5-7) Piet te Nuyl (De Jong, police inspector), (1-4) Piet te Nuyl (Judge Menander) (5-7,11) Coen Hissink (Murphy, detective), (1,2,5) Albert Wanink (police doctor), (1) Albert Wanink (Jones ?), (4) Albert Wanink (Monsieur Orleans, expert), (6) Albert Wanink (president of the jury), (7) Jo Koster (Lucy Wilson), (2,3,6-8,11) Elias van Praag (Grosvenor Finch), (2-4,7,8,10) Ans Koppen (Andrea Borden), (2-5,7-11) Mien van Kerckhoven-Kling (Jessica Gimball-Borden), (2,3,4,7,10) Daan van Ollefen Jr. (Paul Pollinger), (4-7,11) Hein Harms (senator Fruch), (4, 8,10) Johan van Bruggen (Jasper Borden), (4,10) Hetty Beck (a young lady), (4) Cor Boon (witness Collins), (5) Willem de Vries (Burke Jones) (9,10). Broadcasts premiered on Fridays between 9:01-9:20 1. Dec 15 1939 (repeat Dec 30 1939) 2. Dec 22 1939 (repeat Jan 6 1940) 3. Dec 29 1939 (repeat Jan 13 1940) 4. Jan 5 1940 (repeat Jan 20 1940) 5. Jan 12 1940 (repeat Jan 27 1940) 6. Jan 19 1940 (repeat Feb 3 1940) 7. Jan 26 1940 (repeat Feb 10 1940) 8. Feb 2 1940 (repeat Feb 17 1940) 9. Feb 9 1940 (repeat Feb 24 1940) 10. Feb 16 1940 (repeat Maa 2 1940) 11. Feb 23 1940 (repeat Maa 9 1940) The broadcast were recorded on wax discs and repeated some two weeks later on Saturdays between 10:30-10:50 in broadcasts for workers in "continuous businesses". |
"Detective radio play contest.![]() After the tenth episode is broadcast the listener will be informed that all necessary information needed to identify the culprit has been broadcast in previous episodes. If you listened closely to that information you should be able, on that basis, to name the guilty party of the crime committed. Among those, who prove themselves able to do so V.A.R.A. will provide some prizes. We recommend that interested parties listen closely to every broadcast and take note of all factors needed tot lead to the identification of perpetrator, so that after the ninth episode you have all necessary clues to be able to join the contest." (De Radiogids, Dec 15 1939) |
![]() De Tussendeur/Tusschendeur (The Netherlands, V.A.R.A.) 1940 9:01-9:20 The history of a murder which couldn't have been comitted in ten episodes by Ellery Queen adaptated by A.D. Hildebrand director: S. de Vries Jr. based on The Door Between (1937) players: Huib Orizand (Ellery), (1,6-10) Johan Fiolet (Dr. Richard Scott), (1,4,6,8) Rolien Numan (Karen Leith, a well-known writer), (1-2, 4) Henk Schaer (Dr. MacClure, a famous surgeon), (1, 5-7, 9, 10) Tine Medema (his daughter Eva MacClure) (1-10) Hetty Beck (Kinume, Japanese housekeeper of Karen Leith) (1-5, 9) Ans Koppen (Geneva O'Mara, servant) (2, 4, 9, 10) Piet te Nuyl (Terry Ring) (2, 4-10) Daan van Olleffen Jr. (Sergeant Velie) (6,) Johan te Wechel (Buescher, Karen Leith's publisher) (6) Willem de Vries (Morel, Karen Leith's lawyer) (6) Elias van Praag (Inspector Queen) (3, 5, 7-10) Albert Wanink (Dr. Samuel Prouty) (7,8) Albert Wanink (a man), (10) Johan te Wechel (a man), (10) Broadcasts premiered on Fridays between 9:01-9:20 1. Mar 1 1940 (repeat Mar 16 1940) 2. Mar 8 1940 (repeat Mar 23 1940) 3. Mar 13 1940 (repeat Mar 30 1940) 4. Mar 22 1940 (repeat Apr 6 1940) 5. Mar 29 1940 (repeat Apr 13 1940) 6. Apr 5 1940 (repeat Apr 20 1940) 7. Apr 12 1940 (repeat Apr 27 1940) 8. Apr 19 1940 (repeat May 4 1940) 9. Apr 26 1940 (repeat May 11 1940) 10. May 3 1940 (repeat May 18 1940 programmed but not broadcast) The broadcast were recorded on wax discs and repeated some two weeks later on Saturdays between 10:30-10:50 in broadcasts for workers in "continuous businesses". "Detective radio play in ten episodes Or: "the history of a murder, which could have been committed!" How is that for a title to enthrall all fans of thrilling detectives? Our new radio play series, again based on a Ellery Queen novel will undoubtedly fulfill all those expectations and more! Tonight from 9:01 tot 9:30 you'll be able to listen to the first episode." (De Radiogids, Mar 5 1940) Shortly after the last episode was broadcast the VARA network fired all Jewish employees. |
Zeven Zwarte Katten (Belgium, NIR) Thursday April 3. 1947 20:30-21:30 by Bert Janssens Source: "The Adventure of the Seven Black Cats" (1934). First published in Mystery, 10/34 as "The Black Cats Vanished" and collected in The Adventures of Ellery Queen. Translation: Herman Niels |
![]() Radioscoop: Het Huis in de Wildernis "The House in the Wilderness" (The Netherlands A.V.R.O.; Hilversum I) 1954 9:45-10:50 A detective radio play after a story by Ellery Queen adapted by Jacq. Carré director: Dick van Putten based on "The Lamp of God" (aka "House of Haunts")(1935) and collected in The New Adventures of Ellery Queen (1940) With: Bert Dijkstra (Ellery) Frans Somers (Thorne, a lawyer) Rien van Noppen (Dr. Herbert Reinach) Fé Sciarone (Alice Mayhew) Tiny Medema (aunt Milly) Paul van der Lek (Mick Keith) Hetty Berger (aunt Sarah) Charles Mögle (an inspector) Radioscoop organist: Pierre Pals Radioscoop doorman: Herbert Joeks. March 7 1954 - 9:45-10:50 (repeat Sep 26 1960 A.V.R.O.; Hilversum I, 15:30-16:45) |
![]() Het Glazen Dorp (The Netherlands, K.R.O.; Hilversum II) 1961 21:30-22:25 A radioplay after a story by Ellery Queen based on The Glass Village (1954) Directors: Léon Povel (1,2)/Willem Tollenaar (3,4) Adaptation: Louis Lutz With: Jan Van Ees (judge Lewis Shinn )(1-4) Johan Schmitz (John Shinn, his nephew) (1-4) Mien van Kerckhoven-Kling (Fanny Adams, painter) (1, 2) Jan Borkus (Mr. Ferris Adams, lawyer, Fanny's nephew) (2,3,4) Paul van der Lek (Barnwell, coroner) (2) Dick van ‘t Sant (sheriff Mothless) (2) Hans Veerman (Frisbee, police captain) (2) Han König (Burney Hackett, lord farmer) (2,3,4) Silvain Poons (Hube Hemus, lord farmer) (2,3,4) Nora Boerman (Rebecca Hemus, Hube's wife) (4) Johan te Slaa (Samuel Sheare, pastor) (2,3,4) Fé Sciarone (Prue Plummer) (2,3,4) Louis de Bree (judge Andy Webster) (3,4) Dries Krijn (Josef Kowalczyk) (3) Tine Medema (Emily Berry) (3) Frans Somers (Dr. Cushman) (3) Tonny Foletta (Peter Berry) (4) Tine Medema (Emily Berry, his wife) (4) Wam Heskes (Roger Casavant, art critic) (4) Thom Hakker (a male voice) (4) 1. zondag 8 januari 1961 "Aunt Fanny" 2. zondag 15 januari 1961 "Obstruction" 3. zondag 22 januari 1961 "Justice for One" 4. zondag 29 januari 1961 "Firewood" “The Glass Village” itself is a run-down bunch of houses in an unkempt part of the country and is situated on the banks of a dried out river. In this once prosperous community only thirty-five souls, men, women and children, remain. They collectively are a strange group -- seemingly fossilized with frozen morals and narrow prejudices. Such a small community can be a hatchery for dark intrigue, with deep underlying psychological currents that can manifest themselves with an unexpected harshness. Shinn Corners is the name of the town, a typical nest, known to us from many American movies. it's named after the Shinn family, now almost extinct, although the last descendants play an important part in the dramatic events that take place in the suffocating atmosphere of the glass village. These two descendants are the old judge, Lewis Shinn, a man who holds the rights of the citizens, as guaranteed in the American constitution, very highly. His ally and sometimes sparring partner is his nephew John, who has just ended his army career and thinks life, after all his tribulations in several wars, is futile. Even so it is John who will play an important, even decisive role in the battle fought by the Judge against the narrow puritanical views of the town. After having found himself again through the example set by his uncle and the inspirational words of pastor Sheare, he comes to understand that someone who lives in a glass house has no rights to throw stones at the village of glass. ![]() "On Sunday night at 9.30 you can listen to the KRO-program with the first part of a series of a four part radio play after a book by detective writer Ellery Queen: "The Glass Village". After a murder in their midst a vengeful and weird village community take justice into their own hands. Judge Lewis Shinn - played by Jan van Ees - opposed this on ground of the American constitution and gets his nephew John Shinn (Johan Schmitz), who became a nihilist during the last war, to join in and do the right thing." (De Stem, Jan 5 1961) |
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2021 Last updated July 4. 2021 |
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