List of possible suspects

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It was a "trouvaille" to introduce inspector Queen in his books, the father of the brilliant Ellery, was himself an amateur
Father Queen is an inspector with the "New York Homicide Bureau". This combination allowed official police-activities to merge with the unofficial investigations of Ellery Queen, and the possibilities this offered were exhaustively explored by the writers. In my opinion the addition of Inspector Queen as Ellery's dad not only affords him the opportunity to participate in official police business but tremendously adds to the nostalgic feel to the stories. Intended or not, the NYPD corps fighting crime with deductive powers and lots of hard work is omnipresent. Those were the days where police work seem to depend a lot more on people and their knowledge rather then technology!

Inspector Queen as depicted by Frank Godwin for a "Redbook" edition of "The Chinese Murder Mystery"Few books are full fledged Richard Queen
books. Inspector Queen's Own Case of course and to a certain point also it's sequel
The House of Brass in which Ellery eventually shows up. "Manny once acknowledged that the character of Ellery's father, Inspector Richard Queen, was modeled after his own dad Benjamin Lepofsky as well as his father-in-law Robert Hugh Brinker". (Steinbock EQMM 2005 Jan - Rand B.Lee) According to Rand B. Lee Manny was extremely fond of the latter.

Above right: Inspector Queen as depicted by Frank Godwin for a Redbook edition of  The Chinese Murder Mystery.

Richard is about 1,62 m tall somewhat crooked, thick gray hair and a moustache. Fine gray eyes and slim hands. He's also extremely skinny, 
 "... . And now the Inspector was denuded, his little sexagenarian hide impaled on the point of a needle. ..." 28 .

His office was situated in Central Street. He used to be captain in an outside N.Y. district. His telephone number at the office was SP 7-3100. Richard Queen appears for the first time in The Roman Hat Mystery and handles an old brown carved snuffbox 1. Richard's precious snuffbox is a Florentine antique which he had picked up at an auction. Richard is close to sixty and wears a cheap wedding ring. Richard studied in Heidelberg (sometimes wrongly referred to as Neurenberg).
JJMcC first words tell us the Inspector succumb to the blandishments of a charming old lady whose name he had cleared of slander. He eventually gets remarried to Jessie Sherwood (whose name he does clear). It took the Inspector two books to finally tie the knot.

          A Japanese modern vision of Ellery Queen and Richard Queen, by Japanese artist (Osaka based)Takenaka, an illustration for the Japanese edition of "The French Powder Mystery".
Above: A Japanese modern vision of Ellery Queen and Richard Queen, by Japanese artist (Osaka based) Takenaka, an illustration for the Japanese edition of The French Powder Mystery.


Guy Usher -- CLICK FOR MORE -- ...Appeared in EQ movieGuy Usher May 9. 1883 or 1885 - Jun 16. 1944

The first to appear, very briefly, as Inspector Queen .In The Spanish Cape Mystery (1935) the opening scene has the Inspector calling in his son to help him out ... (click on picture for more)

Wade Boteler -- CLICK FOR MORE -- ...Appeared in EQ movieWade Boteler Oct 3.1888 - May 7.1943

Wade played a police inspector several times during his career. No surprise when he played Inspector Queen in The Mandarin Mystery (1937), an easily forgettable movie.  ... (click on picture for more)

Santos Ortega -- CLICK FOR MORE -- ...Appeared on radio showSantos Ortega Jun 30. 1899 - Apr 10. 1976

Prolific radio actor (grandpa Hughes in As The World Turns), narrator,... who originated the radio roles of Inspector Queen on Ellery Queen ...  (click on picture for more)

Charles Grapewin -- CLICK FOR MORE -- ...Appeared in EQ movieCharles Grapewin Dec 20.1869 - Feb 2.1956

Best known as Uncle Henry in The Wizard of Oz. In the unsuccessful Ellery Queen movies he played the role of Inspector Queen.  ... (click on picture for more)

Bill Smith (William Smith) -- CLICK FOR MORE -- ...Appeared on radio showBill Smith Jun 4.1906 - 1992

One of many chances the Ellery Queen radio series made 1947 was the introduction of Bill Smith as Inspector Queen.  ... (click on picture for more) 

Herb Butterfield -- CLICK FOR MORE -- ...

Appeared on radio showHerb Butterfield Oct 28. 1895 - May 2. 1957

Herb quickly replaced Bill Smith in 1947 and thus became the last actor in the role of Inspector Queen in the popular radio series. ... (click on picture for more)

Florenz Ames -- CLICK FOR MORE -- ...Appeared on EQ tv-showFlorenz Ames Jan 6. 1883 - Feb 11. 1958

When Dumont started with Ellery Queen (1950-1952) on television Inspector Queen was played by Florenz Ames sharing the title role with Lee Bowman (Ellery Queen). ... (click on picture for more)

Les Tremayne -- CLICK FOR MORE -- ...Appeared on EQ tv-showLes Tremayne Apr 16. 1913 - Dec 19. 2003

Once named one of the three most distinctive voices on American radio, born in England, Les played Inspector Queen in The Further Adventures of Ellery Queen  (1958-1959) . ... (click on picture for more)

Harry Morgan  -- CLICK FOR MORE -- ...Appeared on EQ tv-showHarry Morgan Apr 10. 1915 - Dec 7. 2011

In Ellery Queen Don't Look Behind You (1971) Morgan was rewritten as a long-suffering uncle. Thus resolving the difference in accents & age between the two actors.  ... (click on picture for more)  

David Wayne -- CLICK FOR MORE -- ...Appeared on EQ tv-showDavid Wayne Jan 30.1914 - Feb 09.1995

His crusty Inspector Queen in the Ellery Queen TV-series (1975-1976) must be the definitive depiction of The Old Man although Wayne lacked the moustache so often mentioned in the books. ... (click on picture for more)

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